
作者:碩博翻譯社   加入時間:2009-06-07   點擊次數:3611



1. ______________(除非你和保險公司簽訂貨物保險合同),you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.

2. ______________(據報導,這個地方衛生組織25年前就成立了)when Dr. Mark became its first president.

3. Mrs. Smith shut the window lest ______________(外面的噪音會影響她兒子的睡眠).

4. The new mayor was charged ______________(未能履行他降低通貨膨脹率的承諾).

5. _____________(每當遇到這類問題時,我的大腦就一片空白),and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.


1. Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods



2. It is reported that the local health organization was established 25 years ago/The local health organization is reported to have been established 25 years ago

解析:本題考查形式主語it及被動語態的用法。It is reported that...意為"據報導......"it為形式主語,後面的that從句為句子的真正主語,表示"衛生組織成立"應該用被動語態。另外,本句也可以直接用報導的物件the local health organization充當主語,原來從句中的謂語動詞轉換成相應的不定式的完成式。


3 the noise outside (should) interfere with her son's sleep

解析:本題考查對虛擬語氣和短語interfere with的掌握。連詞lest(以免),for fear that(唯恐,恐怕)和in case(萬一)引起的從句中謂語動詞常使用虛擬語氣,其形式為"should+動詞原形"should可省略。interfere with意為"打擾妨礙(某事)"


4 with failure to fulfill his promise to decrease the inflation rate

解析:本題考查charge的搭配以及其他一些短語的用法。Charge sb. with sth.意為"以某事指控或控告某人",另外accuse...(of)也表示"指控或控告",注意不同的介詞搭配。Failure(fail) to do sth.常用於表示"未能做成某事",本句中是跟在介詞with後面,所以用名詞failure


5 When confronted with such questionsmy mind goes blank

解析:本題考查對短語be confronted with及單詞blank的掌握。Be confronted with sb./sth.表示"面對、面臨某人或某事"go blank常用於表示"(思想或大腦)變得空白、呆滯"




文章來源 :碩博 翻譯社https://www.translations.com.tw