
作者:碩博翻譯社   加入時間:2009-03-28   點擊次數:3563




Google版:This is why?

山寨版:This is why what

學院版:Why is this?

 2.準備好了麼? Music!

Google版:Ready for it? Music

山寨版:Ready well le-ma?音樂!

學院版:Are you ready?音樂!


Google版:I am just an actor.

山寨版:I only am one play boy.

學院版:I am just an actor.


Google版:Not to stop ---- ---- ---- not to not to stop, piapia to.

山寨版:No want ——no want——stop——no want stop,屁啊、屁啊滴.

學院版:Don't, don't…stop, don't stop,啪啪地.


Google版:Take someone else's road, to let others no way!

山寨版:Walk other man's road, allow other man no way can go!

學院版:Follow others' footprint, leave them no way to go.


Google版:I myself can do things other people never Troublesome

山寨版:I myself can do come thing, never no bother others.

學院版:Whenever I can deliver myself, I never bother others.


Google版:Me too have the ID card people.

山寨版:I also am have body card people.

學院版:I am also somebody with an ID card.


Google版:The world are U.S., but also sons, but the band are finally grandchildren's.【註:Google的這個翻譯太驚人了,居然把我們翻譯為U.S.,照這個翻譯世界誰的也不是,是美國的。】


文章來源 :碩博 翻譯社https://www.translations.com.tw